
What is HappySoul?

Our Mission

Our mission is to remind hueman souls of their reason to smile by promoting the exploration of a happy life through creative endeavors while bridging the gap between art and wellness. One smile at a time.




Our Logo

Our logo is more than just a cute smiley face. Each symbol, color, and placement was chosen with intention.

  • The term HAPPYSOUL reminds each individual of the choice they have to choose happiness as a state of BEing.

  • The spiral represents the cycle of life: birth, growth, rebirth, death, and the cycle repeats. The spiral also represents the journey we take inward to know ourselves so that we can be and love the design The Creator made for us unapologetically.

  • Smile with love, courage and passion.

  • The eyes are a visual representation of how we should view life through the lens of growth and positivity. Each flower petal represents a different aspect of life. I’ve learned that primary colors create the basic structure for colors on the spectrum - it was important to me that they were apart of the logo.

  • Blue gives you the courage to be free and courageous in the way you express yourself.

    • Wisdom, clarity, depth, intelligence, and peace.

  • Yellow is a reminder of our will power! The bright light that lives in our soul and pushes us to grow.

    • high energy, good vibes, optimism, vitality, and positivity.

  • As the first color in the primary color wheel, red reminds us of our beginnings. It reminds us where we’ve been and where we need to go.

    • passion, power, will, desire, stability.

  • Orange, being the collection of red and yellow is a reminder of change and the creative energy we all harness.

    • Creativity, emotional balance, harmony, freedom, enthusiasm and expression of emotions.

  • Green inspires growth and harmonious healing

    • love, balance, nature.

  • The clear petals are a reminder that we have the freedom to create and define ourselves everyday. The clear petals are the space where you can imagine your HappyHue (favorite color). HappySoul encourages you to be yourself in all it’s unique qualities.

What makes us HappySoul?

We strive to mirror the positive light we all hold within. HappySoul is a reason to smile and remember your glow. We are a reason to create and learn new things. Our goal is to guide you into recognizing the unlimited potential you have within you to heal, grow and create. We strive for unity and do what we can to connect with, give back, and bring healing to our community. HappySoul is more than just a brand, it is a lifestyle.

HappySoul by Pink was created by artist Myiah Pink as a way to share with the world what she has learned while on her journey. Her goal is to spread positivity and to show others how they can use the power of art to move through the hard times.

Starting out, all she had was a sketch of a smiley face - she had no idea it would go this far! Pink created HappySoul as a reminder to smile, even through the hard times. On her journey, she began to notice the ups and downs of life, and how a lot (not all) of things could be changed with a shift in perspective. Art is one of the most potent ways she experiences this truth. As an artist, you realize, it’s less about the art - and more about the journey. During some of her toughest times, her art is what has allowed her to see the beauty and clarity of this shared experience - and it wasn’t just her paint brush, it was her voice & the voices around her - the natural rhythm of the trees - home-cooked meals - the power in the words in her journal entries - the list goes on. She began to realize that almost every aspect of life is art and a chance to create and a chance to heal. We have to open our eyes to see what’s asking to be healed and often times that shows up in our art - when we are our most vulnerable and expressive selves. Art comes from the SOUL, art already knows, it doesn’t think, it doesn’t try - it just is. HAPPiNESS is inspired by accepting the wholeness of life. Hapiness is created from within and it will reflect onto the ones around us - the more we allow our own light to shine, the more HappySoul’s we will begin to find.

A lot of Myiah’s message is inspired by her late aunt LaMetra Moody. Her aunt transitioned in 2016 and lived with Sickle Cell & Arthritis most of her life leaving her in an almost constant state of physical pain. However, with the strength of her spirit, she never allowed those times to get her down. She is remembered as always keeping a positive attitude, always lending a helping hand, and never allowing her circumstances to dictate her mindset. Myiah didn’t always get how she could be so strong and positive all the time but she admired it. Following LaMetra’s passing - as hard as it would be, Myiah knew she had to take what she’d learned from the beautiful life of her aunt to keep a positive mindset during the next chapters of her life. She made a promise to herself that she would find a way to allow LaMetra’s legacy to live on. She had no idea what that meant at the time but - a few years later, HappySoul was born. In honor of the true inspiration behind HappySoul, Myiah gives back to the Sickle Cell Association of America St. Petersburg Chapter anytime HappySoul apparel is purchased. LaMetra had a spirit of giving and taught Myiah the importance of community.

HappySoul by Pink LLC was established in January of 2020 and has been growing beautifully ever since. It all started with a sketch, and now we have a wide selection of merchandise, workshops and events! We are happy to be leading the HappySoul journey and we’re grateful of all who decide to tag along on the journey. Help us continue the story by creating new positive experiences while wearing our merch, reminding loved ones (and strangers to smile), getting involved in your commUNiTY and just simply being YOU.

Our Story